www.thedrumpeople.com   Native American Drums 

Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm

We Are Retired!

Thank you all of our Wonderful Customers

It Has Been an Honor to Share Stories With You

The Drum People sold Native American Hand Drums, Powwow Drums, Sweat Lodge Drums, Hand Drum Bags

We started our business as Powwow Vendors

traveling the Powwow Trail for 8 years.

This is Our Story

In 2000, Keith and Cheryl got married.

Together, we decided we wanted to do something more meaningful with our lives.

Keith quit his job as Project Manager of New Creation Builders in Panama City, Florida.

Cheryl quit her job as Director of Institutional Research at Southern Illinois University.

And we set out on our adventure . . . 

We became Powwow Vendors, following the powwow trail,

Just being Artists, Dancing, and Selling our Crafts. 

We started out as Earth Shadow Design.

When folks would ask other vending booths about drums,

they would point to our tent and say:


What an appropriate name!

Keith started building Drums like his grandfather, Shoe, taught him.

Cheryl painted the Drums and sewed Hand Drum Bags. 

Keith made Gourd rattles and Cheryl painted them.

Keith made Cedar Feather boxes and Cheryl painted them.

Keith made Rawhide quivers and Cheryl painted them.

Well, you get the picture . . .

With these four hands, we built a small company that sells

Authentic Native American Drums around the World.

Little Badger - A Funny Story

When Keith was a little boy, he hung out in his Grandfather shop as Shoe built drums. Shoe would give Keith a wooden block and nails and let him hammer away.  One day, Keith hit his thumb with the hammer, kicked the wood stove and threw his wood block against the wall.  Shoe looked at him and said "You have a temper like a Little Badger. 

And Grandfather's name took.

Keith is a member of the Cherokees of Northeast Alabama, a State-Recognized Tribe, in compliance with the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990.

Grandfather Shoe

Shoe is a whole different story. During the Great Depression he would travel to woolen mills in Greenville, NH.  When the loom leather belts were worn out, they would give them to Shoe. Shoe traveled to Oklahoma and resoled Native people's shoes. When Keith was asked to build a drum for Moundville Museum in Tuscaloosa, AL, he met a group of Chickasaw elders who actually remembered Shoe.

Cheryl Talking Bird

Anyone who knows me, and our customers can attest to this fact, I talk nonstop.  I'll chat with customers for over an hour sometimes.  And I am in constant motion like a hummingbird.  We had only been married for about 6 months and Keith asked "Do you ever shut up?  And why can't you sit still?"  He started to call me "Talking Bird"

And the name took.

I am not Native American so all the crafts I make (drum bags, rattles, beadwork and painting) are "Native American Style" in compliance with The Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990.


We would like to thank all of our loyal customers.  We've met some wonderful people over the years.  We've shared stories and become friends.  We appreciate your cards, emails and visits to our home.  We are both BLESSED AND HONORED to build your drums for healing, prayer, service to your communities and sharing your Native American heritage. Without your support, we would not be:



Cheryl Dancing with Aztec Fire Dancers at Native American Powwow

Cheryl dancing with Aztec Fire Dancers

Native American Powwow

Keith danced Traditional Men's Style

Keith Little Badger Playing Native American Powwow Drum

Keith Drumming Surrey, VA

The Drum People Native American Hand Drum competition

Keith and Cheryl with One of the Hand Drum Competition Winners


We have been THE DRUM PEOPLE for 20 Years.

Now Who the Heck Will We Be?

Keith has been sharing Drum Making skills with other Native men 

over the years so that they may carry on the tradition. 

Building Drums is more than wood and rawhide and tools and skills. 

Drum makers must first be spiritually in tune with Mother Earth and Creator.   


Keith will probably continue to build custom drums long into old age.

Drum-making is Keith's CALLING in life. 

Cheryl joined Quilter Guild and sews carry bags for wheel chairs and walkers for seniors.

She also donates quilts to many causes.

She is checking out volunteer opportunities with National Park Service,

Habitat for Humanity and other avenues.

We will always continue to give back to the world.

Thank You for Your Continued Support of Us.

Keith and Cheryl, The Drum People